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Young Adults Dialogue on Healing and Reconciliation

Young adults are convinced that there cannot be true healing and reconciliation between people without knowing the truth about what really happened and justice for people who were offended.

Gathering of new immigrants - April 14

In Montreal, IofC helped immigrants settle and organized a gathering.

The Choice of Forgiveness

Fesseha Fre Weri, a Canadian originally from Eritrea, tells of the choice he was faced with as a young man - to take up a gun or work for peace. He was speaking in Caux, Switzerland in 2003.

Understanding the reality of Indigenous people in Canada

On March 11th, young adults asked questions about Indigenous people to Marie Émilie Lacroix, an Innu native of Mashteuiatsh, Quebec.

Inspiring visit from Lebanon

Wadiaa Khoury shared with us her work in Lebanon: encouraging educators to bring social change.

Three Gatherings in Montreal, Toronto and Edmonton

Participants in the National Consultation, have created opportunities for local groups to meet regularly together. Occasions have happened in Montreal, Toronto and Edmonton. 


Building Trust Across The World's Divides


We are part of a global movement of people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are committed to the transformation of society through changes in human motives and behaviour, starting with their own.

Young Adults Dialogue

      Young adults meet once a month on zoom to discuss a topic that they chose.
      The last one, in May, was about family and friends. The one before that was about healing and reconciliation.

Click here for more information.

Potluck and Talking Circle in Edmonton

Every month, there is a potluck where you can meet people and ask about IofC. All are welcome!The next one is on July 13th, 11:30 - 3pm

Click here for more information.

Monthly Fellowship

Our monthly Fellowship video call with IofC friends across the country is a time of catching up and the floor is open for any subject of sharing and listening.

Click here for more information. 


IofC's core principle is that change starts with ourselves.
Building Sustainable Communities

IofC Canada has a long history with promoting effective intercultural, inter-religious and intergenerational bridge building across societal divides, creating safe spaces where people of different origins, beliefs and religions can have dialogue, undo prejudices, and reach across divides.

Support the movement and donate today.