Following our IofC meeting to reflect on the continuation of the Trustbuilding project, several suggestions for activities were mentioned. The first activity was a Book Reading Circle led by our colleague Marie Émilie Lacroix.
This one-hour bi-monthly activity started on August 10 with 15 participants, first on Zoom which allows the participation of people from Quebec City, Montreal and other places and then face-to-face when possible.
The first book chosen is 'Deep Diversity: Overcoming Us Vs. Them' by Shakil Choudhury, published by Éditions Mémoire encrier. Shakil Choudhury is a diversity, inclusion educator and advisor living in Toronto. This book was translated from English to French by Yara El-Ghadban who was a panelist at the Trustbuilding Project roundtable organized by Initiatives of Change in Montreal last December.
Here is the summary that can be read on the Renaud-Bray website:
Deep Diversity is a must-read guide for anyone who wants to understand diversity and racial issues in order to challenge prejudice. Shakil Choudhury talks about concrete experiences and offers practical tools, a roadmap to reconcile differences, strengthen equity and inclusion in our societies. Anchored in psychology, social justice and meditation, Deep Diversity is a benchmark for organizations and businesses for living together.