Global Indigenous Dialogue (GID), a new project of Initiatives of Change Canada is chaired by Lewis Cardinal, a Woodland Cree from the Sucker Creek Cree First Nation in Northern Alberta. Lewis is a leader in the fields of communications and is Project Manager for “kihciy askiy - Sacred Land” in Edmonton.
At the invitation of IofC Australia, Lewis Cardinal and a team of four others, are heading out to Australia on February 16th. The invitation comes for the group to ‘engage with us in our joint quests for justice, recognition and a new understanding of reconciliation.’ .. ‘As we in Australia seek to address the key issues of the truth of our past and its ongoing legacies, to create a way to better hear the voice of First Peoples and negotiate treaties with them, the visit of this group will provide a positive and relevant message to Australians and encouragement to First Nations peoples.'
Funds raised will be dedicated to Indigenous youth programming and national and international reconciliation development. “The vision for GID 2023 and beyond is to continue the journey toward peace, healing, and reconciliation. Today more than ever, the world is faced with an increased urgency to live in right relations and peace with each other and Mother Earth. Indigenous wisdom and knowledge, as shared through story and ceremony, continues to show us that there are ways in which we can achieve balance, harmony, and reconciliation.”
Click here for more information on GID
Contributions to the GID Project can be made through IofC Canada in several ways:
(E-transfers are the fastest and are free for most banks in Canada)
• E-transfer to: donations.ca@iofc.org
For the funds to be allocated specifically to our GID projects, donors are asked to make a NOTE in the donation: “For Global Indigenous Dialogue GID”
• Donations to IofC Canada via Canada Helps, can be made online through this link:
For the funds to be allocated specifically to our GID projects, donors MUST choose the 3rd choice in the drop down list under "FUND", that says: #3 - Global Indigenous Dialogue"
• Cheques can also be sent to:
Initiatives of Change Canada
30 Cleary Avenue, Suite 8, Ottawa ON K2A 4A1
For the funds to be allocated specifically to our GID projects, donors are asked to make a NOTE in the cheque subject line: “For Global Indigenous Dialogue GID”